Frequently Asked Questions
Unique teaching method
What is the unique teaching method of Brick Academy?
Payment and Discounts
What is the payment process?
How can I pay the course fee?
Can I pay the course fee in installments?
Does the tuition fee include VAT?
How can I reclaim VAT within and outside the EU?
Is it possible to combine multiple discounts?
Can I cancel my seat booking?
Can my course get canceled or postponed?
Online Course Participation
I’ve enrolled with online participation option. What are the technical requirements I need to meet?
I’ve enrolled in the Archviz Film School and plan to take it online. What are the technical requirements I need to meet?
In-class Course Participation
I need a visa to take part in the in-class course. How can I apply for that?
What is the cost of living in Budapest?
Learning materials
Can I share the learning materials and assets of the course?
Can I share my work in progress and the final images created during Brick Academy’s courses?
Can I record the live sessions?
Do I automatically receive a job offer upon completing the Advanced course and assessment test?
I heard you need to be selected to take part in the Advanced course. What is the application process exactly?
What is the Alumni Job Center and who is it for?
How can I submit my portfolio in the Alumni Job Center?