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Picturesque Drafting

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January 18, 2025

The webinar follows the entire draft creation process, from start to finish. Our Senior 3D artist shows how to create a beautiful draft that communicates the main ideas behind a school based in a Nordic country.


Drafting is the most important phase when visualizing buildings. At this stage, we lay out the first sketchy concept and main ideas behind the design. By keeping in mind what our client aims to express, we experiment with several camera angles, moods and lights.

In this webinar, Riccardo quickly transforms a raw render into a beautiful draft. The project he works on is a school which is based in a Nordic country. The design should show how the building is suitable for children and connected to nature. Riccardo will go through the entire draft creation process, from analyzing references to finding and placing the best characters.    

Programs used: Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk 3ds Max

Want to learn more? Sign up for our High-End Image Production Course.

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