
Wrap-up and best-of 2023

See the top visuals

As 2023 draws to a close, we're thrilled to reflect on an incredible year and showcase the top visuals created by our students.

As 2023 draws to a close, we're thrilled to reflect on an incredible year with the expanding archviz community at Brick Academy. Witnessing our students' successes and the fulfillment of their potential has caused us many proud moments throughout the year. In this article, we'll summarize the year's key moments and showcase the top archviz works created by our talented Academists in 2023. Stay tuned to discover who receives the shoutout and prize!

Our year at a glance

A total of 61 students took part in our hands-on courses. Among them were four Post-Production courses, with two being modified to suit busy artists. Setting a new record, our most extensive program, the Image Generalist in archviz course, was held three times! Brick Academy not only imparts education but also paves the way for students to successfully enter the industry. This year, Brick Visual extended paid 3D position offers to five students who excelled in the course and assessment test. The Animation in Archviz took place once, attracting a full-house attendance, as participants dedicated their best efforts to visualize a completely new design.

Post-production in Archviz

Based on students' feedback, our most sought-after course surpassed their expectations. Initially perceived as a simple post-production course, it quickly became clear to them that this is more than that. It is a training that challenges creativity and emphasizes the development of artistic skills. The review sessions proved particularly beneficial, where Brick mentors analyzed and offered constructive feedback on each participant's work. It's no exaggeration to state that those who took part transformed, shifting from being 3D visualizers to emerging as 3D artists in a short time.

Our hybrid course’s dates are announced for 2024, See details here.

Unable to commit a full week at once? Our long-term online course is designed for you.

Image Generalist in Archviz

Our flagship course also focuses on developing artistic skills but is more comprehensive. Students also learn a great deal about proper conceptual foundations and 3D techniques. This is a one-month course that’s held at Brick’s headquarters in Budapest. Students are equally excited to delve into archviz and explore our beautiful city. Participants, arriving from all corners of the globe with diverse professional backgrounds, show significant progress after four weeks of intense training, successfully adapting their newly acquired knowledge.

Moreover, it's heartening to see the formation of friendships during these weeks, and we make every effort to ensure their stay is as accommodating as possible. The Photo Battle day, organized by Alex Auro, one of Brick's Creative Directors, stands out as a particularly popular event among our students. This friendly architectural photography competition not only sharpens their artistic eye but also allows them to uncover hidden gems in an urban public space.

Applications for the course in 2024 are now open with two available dates. See details here.

Animation in Archviz

Thanks to our collaboration with Coldefy, students had the chance to refine their architectural animation skills through an exciting new project. This marked the first occasion where they brought Coldefy's Performing Arts Center to life in motion, as the project had previously only been represented through still images. The design provides an excellent opportunity for the creation of a compelling storyboard, given its imposing facade and intricate interiors. Elements like forms and colors contribute to the production of a captivating and visually engaging animation.

Our upcoming hybrid Animation course is set for April 2024, learn more by clicking here.

Best of 2023

And now, let’s see which images were picked by Brick’s CEO, András Káldos, and Chief Creative Director, Márton Zoltán Tóth, as the best visuals!

Ekaterina Ivashchenko, Image Generalist in Archviz | FEB 2023
Ekaterina Ivashchenko, Image Generalist in Archviz | FEB 2023
Antanas Maciulis, Post-Production in Archviz | SEPT 2023
Antanas Maciulius, Post-Production in Archviz | SEPT 2023
Cibele Medeiros, Image Generalist in Archviz | JUN 2023
Cibele Medeiros, Image Generalist in Archviz | JUN 2023

Personal favorites of András:

Michał Jagła, Post-production in Archviz | OCT 2023Michał Jagła, Post-production in Archviz | OCT 2023

Personal favorites of Márton

Davor Robitschko, Post-Production in Archviz | SEPT 2023Cibele Medeiros, Image Generalist in Archviz | JUN 2023

Congrats to all of them! The Academists above will all receive a discount via email which they can use for any Brick Academy course.

Outlook for 2024

We are committed to adding real-life projects to our curriculum to provide the best learning experience for our students. This approach allows them to gain practical skills in overcoming real-world problems.
Thanks to Pulze’s Project Dream, our students can select ideal references for their final visuals with ease. This AI-assisted tool is designed to elevate the creative process by assisting in finding the perfect mood, composition, and color palette for projects. We will continue to expand using this software in the year to come.
Excitingly, our first Unreal Archviz Animation course is set to start in January 2024. Brick CEO Andras Kaldos believes it will become the new standard tool in archviz, making it a valuable skill to acquire.
Limited seats are available for our in-class Unreal course scheduled from January 15-26, 2024. Read more and secure your seat through this link.
Thank you for being a part of Brick Academy in 2023. We look forward to welcoming many of you in 2024! Wishing you a joyous holiday season.