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Virtual Open Day
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We are streaming one session from every Brick Academy course for free on July 26! You can tune into 5 professional archviz sessions throughout the day, getting a real taste of what we have to offer.
We are doing something we have never done before: we are streaming one session from every Brick Academy course for free on July 26! You are welcome to join all sessions or tune into the ones that are specifically interesting for you. Whichever you choose, you will have a taste of what it feels like to be a Brick Academist. Register below!
After a short introduction, you will get to know the presenters of the day and the facilities of Brick’s HQ.
With András Vida, Creative Director - As taught during the Post-Production in Archviz course
András will demonstrate how to create a highly engaging draft in the most time-efficient way by using a single well-selected image.
With Alex Auro, Senior 3D Artist - As taught during the Image Generalist in Archviz course
Alex will show you how to build different scenes in 3ds Max by following references with varying light conditions and moods.
With Andrea Pedrotti a.k.a Pedro, Senior 3D Artist - As taught during the Animation in Archviz course
Pedro will illustrate how to craft a draft animatic with Chaos Vantage by setting lights and camera properties such as motion blur and depth of field.
With Matteo Merli and Hasan Kum, Lead 3D Artists from EVE Images - Astaught during the Interior Archviz course
Matteo and Hasan will guide you through the perfect camera arrangement, composition essentials and light balance settings for interior images.
With Lilla Hajnal, Senior 3D & VFX Artist - As taught during the Animation in Archviz course
Lilla will reveal how a simple but eye-catching animated map infographic can boost your animation.
*all times are in the CEST time zone
Don’t miss out on the chance to get valuable archviz expertise for free! Register now and we’ll send you the link through which you can stream all sessions a couple of days before the event.